6 Results Of The Cold War

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6 Results Of The Cold War

Major Events Of The Cold War


6 Results Of The Cold Warning

The hope was that the three leaders could agree on how to handle world issues after the war was over, including: peace treaty issues and the effects of the war. However, the Potsdam Conference is now viewed as a major event in the Cold War as well, because it highlighted the divide between Stalin and the other two leaders similar to the earlier Yalta Conference. As well, it is at the Potsdam Conference that Truman made Stalin aware of the American atomic weapons program (Manhattan Project) and that the Americans had developed the world's first atomic bomb. It was also at this conference that a deep divide was created between the United States and the Soviet Union specifically. Truman was incredibly suspicious of Stalin and his intentions and Stalin felt a similar way towards Truman. In general terms, the seeds of the Cold War were planted at the Potsdam Conference. The United States would bomb Hiroshima just days after the conference ended and World War II would be over in the just a few weeks, while the Cold War was just beginning. As such, many historians view the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences as the start of the Cold War since they highlighted the growing mistrust and tensions between Truman of the United States and Stalin of the Soviet Union.

History Of The Cold War

As a result of the Cold War:Many people died in brush-fire wars and civil wars around the worldMany people died in Korea and VietnamHuge numbers of nuclear weapons were builtNATO was formedThe. Soviet Union has control of Eastern Europe. The Cold War Begins May 8: VE Day - Victory in Europe. Germany surrenders to the Red Army in Berlin July: Potsdam Conference - Germany was officially partitioned into four zones of occupation. August 6: The United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima (20 kiloton bomb 'Little. As the war ended, billions of dollars worth of war contracts also ended. As a result, many workers lost their jobs and inflation began to soar. When prices rose, workers demanded a pay raise and when they didn't get it, labor unions triggered the biggest strike wave in U.S. The NPT was very important during the Cold War because both the U.S. And the Soviets agreed to not use nuclear weapons. This was huge for both countries because it somewhat eliminated the constant fear of being nuked at any time. This was not only very good back in Cold War times but even today it is a very important treaty.