Ocasio Cortez Rant

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Ocasio-Cortez, 29, had called out white supremacists earlier this week at a vigil for the mass shooting victims in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton. Continuing her rant, the freshman legislator said. With her latest anti-billionaire tirade, Ocasio-Cortez is engaging in the zero-sum fallacy of poor economic thinking. “The fallacy here is the implicit assumption that there is a fixed pie of.

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  2. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Partner
  3. Riley Roberts Ocasio Cortez
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  6. Ocasio Cortez Rant

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clashed with Republicans as the US Senate voted on a $2.2tn coronavirus relief bill on Friday. She said it was a ‘shameful’ corporat.

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Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit back at President Donald Trump for his recent tweet about her. The 45th president called the congresswoman a wack job.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took to Instagram live on Sunday evening from her kitchen in her Bronx apartment to rant about the Green New Deal, socialism, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), and the end of the world. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., went off on a rant Tuesday in which she told economic shutdown protesters they were petitioning the wrong government officials, and should tell President.

Ocasio cortez in bathing suit

AOC is a Wack Job! https://t.co/LU3hIeek0c

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 4, 2019

​Cortez returned the favor, posting “better than being a criminal who betrays our country', in an apparent reference to the impeachment inquiry that has been launched against President Trump. Some social media users took her confession at face value.

Thank you for confessing. This makes things easier. https://t.co/glG1sAk7N1

— David Betz (@DFBetz) October 4, 2019

lol so you admit it?

— Fund a Mentos (@adjustMyEbitda) October 4, 2019

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​Other users rushed to defend President Trump from what they deem are baseless accusations.

Riley Roberts Ocasio Cortez

President Trump has not betrayed America. He is trying to preserve America.
The progressive left hates America. They hate free speech and freedoms unless it aligns with their ideals. They don’t put American citizens firsts. They care more about characteristics than values.

— sousa0711 (@sousa0711) October 4, 2019

Blanca Ocasio Cortez

🛑Respect for our @POTUS please!
You @AOC are a embarrassment to our country!
Do you donate your salary to a charity like our @realDonaldTrump does? YOU Ms. ARE ANOTHER LEFTIST~SOCIALIST #FRAUD PERIOD…
In Jersey, where I am from we call CACKLERS like you, SIDEWALK PHILOSOPHERS! pic.twitter.com/F9ble2E7pJ

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Parents Wealth

— Johnny J. Nalbandian (@Johnny_Congress) October 4, 2019

​Senator Bernie Sanders decided to get involved in the spat. The 78 year, who suspended his campaign over health issues, responded to Trump by tweeting: “It’s going to be a real pleasure defeating you'.

Trump’s tweet featured a video of Ocasio-Cortez’s town hall, where what appeared to be one of her supporters was so concerned about climate change that she encouraged people to eat babies.

This is not the first time that Trump and Ocasio-Cortez attack each other. The two regularly trade, insults arguing over the immigration and national security. Cortez opposes Trump’s campaign promise to build a wall on the border with Mexico in order to curb illegal immigration, comparing migrant detention centres to Nazi concentration camps.

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Ocasio Cortez RantCortez

Ocasio Cortez Rant


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., went off on a rant Tuesday in which she told economic shutdown protesters they were petitioning the wrong government officials, and should tell President Trump to 'make some damn tests' for the coronavirus.

'If you want your freedom, if you want to end the shutdown, then tell your president to make some damn tests and to support some state governments,” the freshman congresswoman said during an Instagram Live session.

“This is outrageous,' she added. 'So, if you want to make sure that we reopen the economy, why don’t you turn around, march on over to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and protest this president who's not supporting our governors and making sure that we get the tests, the medical equipment, the hospital funding, and the state and local funding, so that we can all get on with our lives.'

Katrina Pierson, a top advisor to the Trump campaign, tweeted on Wednesday in response to Ocasio-Cortez: 'Did she just return from Wuhan? Because, this is Bats--t.'

As the country grapples with massive job losses induced by the restrictions, rallies have taken place in several major states with some attendees wearing 'Make America Great Again' hats and waving Trump flags.

Public health experts have warned that an easing of the shutdowns must be accompanied by wider testing and tracing of infected people to keep the virus from coming back with a vengeance. President Trump has maintained, however, that the solution to the coronavirus could be worse than the problem itself. On Friday, via Twitter, he urged state governments to 'liberate' their people from restrictions that have impacted economic activity.

While it's unclear what the full economic impact will be, at least 22 million people -- more than 13 percent of the workforce -- have filed unemployment claims in recent weeks. Ocasio-Cortez and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., have pushed for relief beyond what Congress initially proposed.

Last week, the president rolled out a series of guidelines intended to help states reopen their economies after weeks of social distancing and other precautions. He also targeted Democratic leaders for initially refusing to pass a stimulus package providing relief to American workers during the pandemic.

For example, the Trump campaign recently released an ad in which it depicted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as elitist and out-of-touch for opposing coronavirus relief while discussing her ice cream during a late night interview.


Democrats, meanwhile, have accused the administration of not taking the pandemic seriously and waiting for too long before responding.

Pelosi, in particular, told her caucus on Monday that it was 'almost sinful' the way Trump failed to deliver on his promise for widespread testing, according to Politico. She also told CNN that Trump's 'denial at the beginning' and delayed response was 'deadly.'

The Associated Press contributed to this report.