Occasion 2021

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Hayley Paige Occasions Spring 2021 Collection. BACK TO HAYLEY PAIGE OCCASIONS. Hayley Paige Occasions. Let’s pretend that 2021 is going to be a whole lot better than 2020 and look ahead to all of the book-related special occasions in this 2021 literary calendar that we can celebrate. Whether you want to thank your favorite librarian, encourage teen reading, or promote poetry, there’s an occasion you can leverage. 2021 jeep® 80th anniversary edition vehicles, made from history, build your 80 th anniversary limited edition. Msrp. starting at. Styled for the occasion.

The White House on Inauguration Day. All photos by Erin O’Donnell.

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At noon on this past Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021, President-elect Joseph R. Biden was inaugurated in a ceremony on the West Front of the Capitol. This was the culminating event in what has been a hostile transfer of power from former President Donald Trump to President Biden.


The Environment:

The then President Trump had claimed, repeatedly and without evidence, that the election result was fraudulent and “stolen” from him. Regrettably, many of his supporters have yet to acknowledge that this claim was untrue.

Consequently, there was a violent and dystopian siege on the Capitol by domestic terrorists, incited by his “Big Lie,” just two weeks before the Inauguration.

Unexpectedly, on Tuesday night, the then Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell affirmed that “… the president and other powerful people,” had provoked the violent attacks on the Capitol building. I am uncertain how firm he is in his conviction.

Fortunately, amidst all that turmoil, the Inauguration proceeded forward, albeit with immense security and what was described officially as a “show of force” in place well in advance of the 20th.

My outlet, in such chaotic and troubling times, has always been reviewing historic accounts of great men and women. I am a fan of the spoken word. A masterful presentation always stirs me.

Motorcycles lead the parade up Pennsylvania Avenue following the Inauguration.

I’m going to reflect on the Inauguration in this essay; but, first, I’ll share a few written works and speeches that buoyed me during this chaotic period.

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In 2005, a self-described “skinny Kid with a funny name” asserted to the American Library Association’s Annual Conference assembly that “the moment we persuade a child to cross the threshold into a library, we’ve changed their lives forever, and for the better.” The then-Senator Obama also said that “librarians are the ones who’ve been on the frontlines of the fight for privacy and freedom. Libraries remind us that truth isn’t about who yells the loudest, but who has the right information.”

Likewise, Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library Director Katie Huffman has noted, “Libraries have long served as stewards of free speech, and we are proud and passionate to be a part of that tradition.”

One of my family’s most enduring favorites is “The Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame; in which he recounts the adventures of four friends, Mole, Water Rat, Badger, and the irascible Toad; on the river and in the wild woods.

A particularly memorable passage, which is slightly abridged here, occurs when Rat convinces land-bound Mole to step into his boat and enjoy a day on the river.

Rat says, “Believe me, my young friend; there is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. In them, or out of them, it doesn’t matter. Nothing seems really to matter; that’s the charm of it. Whether you arrive at your destination, or you reach somewhere else; or whether you never get anywhere at all, you’re always busy.”

Memorable Commencement Speeches:

In his 2014 commencement address at the University of Texas, Austin, retired Four-Star Admiral, William McRaven, provided this advice to the graduates: “If you want to change the world, start off each day by making your bed.”

He added, “You will have completed the first task of the day. That little sense of pride and achievement will encourage you to complete another task; and another, and another. And that will reinforce the fact that even the little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things well, you won’t do the big things well.”

Prior to appointment as Chancellor of The University of Texas System, his career included service as Head of the U.S. Special Operations Command; where he is known for orchestrating the mission, and leading the Navy SEAL team thatconducted the successful 2011 raid that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden.

An international celebrity, and another amphibian, gave the 1996 commencement address at Long Island University’s Southampton College School of Environmental Science. After acknowledging the importance of the environmental sciences in preserving the world’s ecosystems, Kermit the Frog (yes, really!) advised the graduates, “Never lose sight of the fact that you are not just saving the environment; you are saving the homes and lives of so many of my relatives.” He closed his address with the challenge, “You are no longer tadpoles. The time has come for you to drop your tails and leave this swamp.”

President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden walk up Pennsylvania Ave. after the Inauguration on Wednesday, Jan. 20.

Reflections on the Inauguration:

There were several points in this two-day event at which I felt tears welling in my eyes. Thank you, Mr. President, and Madame Vice President. We needed that.

I have been impressed with President Biden’s religious piety, and his pride in his family’s working-class background. He has experienced great loss in his past. His ability to convert that loss into honest and sincere empathy was demonstrated in his words on Tuesday evening, as the 400 lights around the Lincoln Memorial’s reflecting pool were lit to remember and honor the 400,000 Americans, who have died from COVID-19.

“To heal, we must remember,” Biden said. His predecessor, in contrast, never really acknowledged the tragic loss of life.

In addition, a magnificent illuminated display of 200,000 American flags stood in the National Mall, to honor the COVID deaths. They were also in recognition of those thousands and thousands of people unable to attend the Inauguration in person amid the pandemic, and due to the intense security put in place after the violent attack on the Capitol.

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff (third from left) and Vice President Kamala Harris (fourth from left) and their families walk up Pennsylvania Avenue after the Jan. 20 Inauguration.

President Biden was joined on the Capitol platform by former President(s) Barack Obama, George W. Bush, William Clinton, and former Vice President Mike Pence along with the former First (or Second) Ladies. President Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, who are age 96 and 93, respectively, were unable to attend the Inauguration, but had called then-President Elect Biden the night before.

President Trump refused to attend the Inauguration and bear witness to the ceremonial transfer of power, thus becoming the first outgoing president in over 150 years to leave the city before his successor had been sworn in.

In his inaugural address, President Biden recognized the attempted insurrection, but asserted, “Democracy has prevailed.” He called for Americans to unite and confront the perilous challenges before them:- a deadly coronavirus pandemic, economic turmoil and divisions over American leadership.

Occasion 2021 Canada

The then-President-elect had told supporters as he departed from Delaware on Tuesday for Washington and the Inauguration, “These are dark times, but there’s always light.”

Marine One flies over Washington DC carrying former President and First Lady Donald and Melania Trump for the last time.

My hopes for this new Administration:

The President has promised to use the Defense Production Act and redouble the federal government’s support of COVID testing, vaccine production, and vaccine distribution.

He has also promised that the COVID-relief package passed at the end of 2020 was only a down-payment and that greater relief would be on the way. Keep your eye on the ball, Mr. President.

I hope this Administration will move beyond governance by Executive Order and actually pass some legislation.

Finally, it is time to restore America’s greatness, its dignity, and its world leadership.

This is the opinion of Thomas D. Gotowka.

About the author: Tom Gotowka’s entire adult career has been in healthcare. He’ will sit on the Navy side at the Army/Navy football game. He always sit on the crimson side at any Harvard/Yale contest. He enjoys reading historic speeches and considers himself a scholar of the period from FDR through JFK.

A child of AM Radio, he probably knows the lyrics of every rock and roll or folk song published since 1960. He hopes these experiences give readers a sense of what he believes “qualify” him to write this column.

Over the past four years, conservative evangelicals have compared Donald Trump to King Cyrus, Queen Esther, Daniel, David, and Sampson.

Occasion 2021 Calendar

And now they have a biblical character for vice-president Kamala Harris: Jezebel.

For those unfamiliar with this biblical character, she appears in the books of Kings and is referenced in the book of Revelation.

Occasion 2021

In 1 Kings 16 we are introduced to Jezebel, the Phoenician wife of Ahab, the king of the northern kingdom of Israel. According to the text, Ahab “did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him.” He was a Baal worshipper and thus aroused the “anger of the LORD.”

Ahab’s immorality results in the prophet Elijah’s confrontation at Mt. Carmel with the prophets of Baal. This is described in 1 Kings 18. Here we also learn that Jezebel was responsible for “killing off the Lord’s prophets” and entertaining the prophets of the pagan god Asherah.

After Jezebel learned that Elijah had killed the prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel, she threatened Elijah’s life. Elijah fled into the wilderness where an angel ministered to him.

In 1 Kings 21, Jezebel arranged for the stoning death of Naboth, a man who refused to give-up his vineyard to Ahab. After Naboth’s death, Elijah confronted Ahab in the vineyard and told him that “dogs will devour Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.” This prophecy was fulfilled in 2 Kings 9.

Before she was killed by Jehu, a commander in Joram’s (the new king of Israel) army, Jezebel “put on eye makeup, arranged her hair and looked out of the window of the palace.” Two eunuchs threw her out the window. Her blood splattered on the wall of Jezreel and horses “trampled her underfoot.” After Jehu took a break to eat, he ordered his soldiers to bury Jezebel’s body. But as prophesied by Elijah, it had already been devoured by dogs. The book of 2 Kings ends with these words: “Jezebel’s body will be like dung on the ground in the plot of Jezreel, so that no one will be able to say ‘This is Jezebel.'”

In the New Testament, Jezebel is mentioned in Revelation 2. It is unclear to me whether the “Jezebel” mentioned here is an actual person in the Thyatira church or is a reference to the Old Testament character, but I am not sure it really matters for this discussion. The angel of the Christian church in Thyatira writes:

Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds. Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets, ‘I will not impose any other burden on you, except to hold on to what you have until I come.’

So who is comparing Kamala Harris to Jezebel?

Just for the record, the first American “Jezebel” was 17th-century Massachusetts Bay troublemaker (good trouble, to echo the words of the late John Lewis) Anne Hutchinson. Massachusetts governor John Winthrop called her “this American Jezebel,” an “instrument of Satan,” and the “enemy of the people” for resisting the political authority and theological certainty of the colony’s officials and ministers.

Special Occasion 2021

Some fundamentalist churches used to call women “Jezebels” if they wore too much makeup or jewelry. As southern fundamentalist John R. Rice wrote in his 1941 book Bobbed Hair, Bossy Wives, and Women Preachers:

Surely we all agree that a Christian woman who does not live as the world lives and does not follow the world’s ideals should not make too much effort to look like worldy women. Of wicked Queen Jezebel we are told that “she painted her face, and tired her head…(II Kings 9:30). The Bible does not give detailed instructions about lipstick and rouge and painted fingernails. But the most spiritual Christians among women usually feel that they cannot go to the extremes that wordly women follow in painting the face, in use of lipstick, in plucking eyebrows, and in other unnatural fads. Great numbers of the most spiritual women feel that to follow such a pattern is worldliness and hinders a Christian women’s influence. Besides, the women of the best taste know that they are only temporary fads and do not aid real beauty.

As far as I can tell, the charismatic “prophet” Lance Wallnau was the first to compare Kamala Harris to Jezebel. In August 2020, Wallnau said that Harris had a “Jezebel spirit.” He described her as a “chameleon” who was secretly working as an “Obama surrogate.” (I don’t see a Kamala Harris/Jezebel commemorative coin coming anytime soon). The so-called “Jezebel spirit” is often used in charismatic circles to describe a man or a woman who is a false prophet and, as Revelation 2 says, seduces God’s people “into sexual immorality.” These charismatic prophets have been writing books about the “Jezebel spirit” for years.

Today, thanks to the twitter feed of Washington Post religion journalist Sarah Pulliam Bailey, I learned that Tom Buck, the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lindale, Texas, has also played the Jezebel card:

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Here is more from Buck’s twitter feed:

Thanks to Pulliam-Bailey for this response:

Maybe Buck believes Biden is the Ahab to Harris’s Jezebel.

I took the liberty (Southern Baptists believe in liberty, right?) to look at more of Buck’s tweets over the last month or so:

Tom Buck. What a guy!