Q Quotes Star Trek Tng

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Star Trek: The Next Generation 'But this is the court of the year 2079, by which time all 'United Earth' nonsense had been abolished' - Q, presiding in a postholocaust court (Encounter at Farpoint) 'Well it's a new ship - but she's got the right name. Now you remember that, you hear?'

  1. Star Trek Tng Mp3
  2. Star Trek Tng Episode Guide
  • Q: The trial never ended, Captain. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. Picard: Guilty of what? Q: Of being inferior. Seven years ago, I said we'd be watching you, and we have been - hoping that your ape-like race would demonstrate.some. growth, give.some. indication that your minds had room for expansion.
  • Quotes about TNG 'I've never had great nostalgia for the whole Kirk and Spock thing. I was more of a Next Generation boy. It's the inevitable sexed-up reboot of that I'm dreading; where they cast Snooki as Counselor Troi, or Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson as Wesley Crusher.'

Star Trek Tng Mp3

Looking for some Star Trek quotes?

Star Trek debuted as long ago as 1966 and has been a phenomenon ever since. Airing for only three seasons in its first series, the franchise now spans a wide range of byproducts- from figurines, games and even novels.

As a fan, however, your collection wouldn’t be complete without this list of its most memorable quotes. After all, Star Trek is one of those few media franchises that was able to seriously etch some of the most memorable lines in the industry. And if you’re a true fan, you should be able to tell exactly which book or which series each quote came from!

Now, let’s get on with the list.

Space: the final frontier. – Captain James T. Kirk and Captain Jean-Luc Picard

I am a doctor, not a brick layer. – Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek: The Original Series episode The Devil in the Dark)

… a dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars – Kirk (Whom Gods Destroy)

KHAAANNN! – Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Just before they went into warp, I beamed the whole kit and kaboodle into their engine room, where they’ll be no tribble at all. – Scotty (The Trouble With Tribbles)

What does God need with a starship? – Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

I’m a doctor, not an escalator. – Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek: The Original Series episode Friday’s Child)

Right out of hell, I saw it! – Commodore Decker (The Doomsday Machine)

Fascinating. – Mr. Spock

See Also: 21 Spock Quotes for Star Trek Fans

You will die of suffocation, in the icy cold of space. – Kang (Day of the Dove)

Highly illogical. – Mr. Spock in numerous episodes and movies

The mid-1990s was the era of your so-called Third World War. – Spock (Space Seed)


Live long and prosper. – Mr. Spock

You are authorized to use all measures available to destroy the Enterpise. – Starfleet Command Representative (The Ultimate Computer)

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. – Mr. Spock (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

I didn’t mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away AS garbage. – Korax (The Trouble With Tribbles)

I have been and always shall be your friend. – Mr. Spock (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

I’m a doctor, not an engineer. – Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek: The Original Series episode Mirror, Mirror)

What are we looking at, a 20th century Rome? – Kirk (Bread and Circuses)

He’s dead, Jim! – Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy

The best diplomat that I know is a fully-loaded phaser bank. – Lt. Cdr. Montgomery Scott (A Taste of Armageddon)

I’m a doctor, not a mechanic. – Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek: The Original Series episode The Doomsday Machine)

I’m a doctor, not a coal miner. – Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek: The Original Series episode The Empath)

… and tell Doctor McCoy, he should have wished me luck. – Spock (The Immunity Syndrome)


Dammit, Jim! – Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy

Treat her like a lady, and she’ll always bring you home. – Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Encounter at Farpoint)

There be whales here! – Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

Star Trek Tng Episode Guide

Engage! – Captain Jean-Luc Picard

I’m not a magician, Spock, just an old country doctor. – Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek: The Original Series episode The Deadly Years)

Make it so! – Captain Jean-Luc Picard

I canna’ change the laws of physics. – Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (Star Trek: The Original Series episode The Naked Time)

There are four lights! – Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Chain of Command)

Inquiry. – Data

Shut up, Wesley! – Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Datalore)

Shut-up, Spock! We’re rescuing you! – McCoy

I am not a merry man! – Worf (Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Qpid)

Stop it? I’m counting on it! – Kirk (A Taste of Armegedon)

I’ve giv’n her all she’s got captain, an’ I canna give her no more. – Montgomery “Scotty” Scott

It is a good day to die – Worf

I find myself growing fatigued, Doctor. May we continue this questioning at some other time? – Khan (Space Seed)

Perhaps today is a good day to die! – Worf

Resistance is futile. – The Borg

What is your favorite Star Trek quote? Don’t forget to share these quotes with all your Trekkie friends!

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Star Trek The Next Generation quotes Showing 1-12 of 12

“I never knew what a friend was until I met Geordi. He spoke to me as though I were human. He treated me no differently from anyone else. He accepted me for what I am. And that, I have learned, is friendship.”
“Flair is what makes the difference between artistry and mere competence. Cmdr. William Riker”
Q Quotes Star Trek Tng
tags: artistry, creativity, flair, individuality, style
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied - chains us all irrevocably.”
“Life's true gift is the capacity to enjoy enjoyment.”
“Data: My positronic brain has several layers of shielding to protect me from power surges. It would be possible for you to remove my cranial unit and take it with you.
Riker: Let me get this straight--you want me to take off your head?
Data: Yes sir”
“Data:I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause.”
“Commander William T. Riker: It's just that our mental pathways have become accustomed to your sensory input patterns.
Lt. Commander Data: Hm. I understand. I am also fond of you, Commander. And you as well, Counselor.”
“Wesley Crusher: Say goodbye, Data.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Goodbye, Data.
[crew laughs]
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Was that funny?
Wesley Crusher: [laughs]
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Accessing. Ah! Burns and Allen, Roxy Theater, New York City, 1932. It still works.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Then there was the one about the girl in the nudist colony, that nothing looked good on?
Lieutenant Worf: We're ready to get under way, sir.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Take my Worf, please.
Commander William T. Riker: [to Captain Picard] Warp speed, sir?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Please.”
“Admiral Leonard H. 'Bones' McCoy: How old do you think I am, anyway?
Lt. Commander Data: 137 years, Admiral, according to Starfleet records.
Admiral Leonard H. 'Bones' McCoy: Explain how you remember that so exactly!
Lt. Commander Data: I remember every fact I am exposed to, sir.
Admiral Leonard H. 'Bones' McCoy: [looking at both sides of Data's head] I don't see no points on your ears, boy, but you sound like a Vulcan.
Lt. Commander Data: No, sir. I am an android.
Admiral Leonard H. 'Bones' McCoy: Hmph. Almost as bad.'
'Data: [uses a device in his arm to open a door] Open sesame! You could say I have a magnetic personality.
[laughs at his joke]
Data: Humor! I love it!'
'Lt. Commander Data: Spot, you are disrupting my ability to work.
[he puts Spot to the floor, but she jumps back on Data's desk]
Spot: Meow.
Lt. Commander Data: Vamoose, ye little varmint!”
“I have to set an example, now more than ever. Facing death is the ultimate test of character. – Cmdr. William Riker”
Star trek tv
“The arbiter of a demanding wargame rendered the word 'mismatch' as 'challenge' in his language.”
“DATA: As you wish. Jenna. Are we no longer a couple?
JENNA: No, we're not.
DATA: Then I will delete the appropriate programme.”

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