Plot 9/10 And 1 2/5 On The Number Line
Number Line helps students visualize number sequences and illustrate strategies for counting, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Choose number lines labelled with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, or negative numbers. Or use a blank number line, with or without tick marks.
An array of interesting worksheets include exercises like read the number lines, draw hops on the number lines, find the missing numbers, frame addition sentences, a variety of MCQs and much more! Based on the addends, the worksheets have been categorized into 0 to 5, 0 to 10 and 0 to 20 number lines which enables an easy download environment. This selection will show how to compare two numbers using a number line. This will allow you to tell if a number is larger or smaller than another number, using a number line. To compare two numbers, type one number into each of the boxes below, then click 'Show me.' Teaching number line with decimal, fractions, mix. Plot multiple quadratic equations hardest math in the world ti89 adding and subtracting fraction `ti 83. This Solver (Plot a number on a number line) was created by by ichudov(507): View Source, Show, Put on YOUR site About ichudov: I am not a paid tutor, I am the owner of this web site. Plot a number on a number line. Plot on the number line.
Describe intervals between points on the line using forward or backward jumps above and below the line. Jumps can also be labelled with their values or left blank. Add custom tick marks to the number line to show equivalence or compare number values. Show strategies with drawing and annotation tools.
Hide elements of the sequence shown on the number line, which challenges students to use what they know about number relationships and computation to identify those missing elements.
This virtual number line is an open-ended educational tool, ideal for elementary classrooms and other learning environments that use laptops, iPads, Chromebooks, or Windows devices.

The number line is a key model used in Bridges in Mathematics, second edition. Online preview available.
App Features

- Mark the number line with multiples of whole numbers, fractions, or decimals. Set the starting value of the line, including using negative values.
- Add and manipulate forward and backward jumps, above or below the line.
- Label jump bars, manually or automatically, to show intervals or hide labels altogether.
- Add custom tick marks and values to the blank number lines.
- Hide and reveal jumps, numbers, and other elements with resizable covers to create your own problems and model strategies.
- Use the drawing tools to annotate work and show understanding.
- Add equations, expressions, and descriptions with the math text and writing tools.
- Share your work by saving an image or url, or providing a sharing code to others. Great for creating the initial setup of an activity, then sharing it with students so they can explore it further.
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Book for Educators

This book provides teachers with the theoretical basis, practical knowledge, and expertise to effectively use the number line as a powerful model for mathematical learning in K-5 education. The number line is a common artifact in elementary school classrooms, but is seldom used to its potential. This book helps te achers to implement lesson activities through which children can develop confidence, fluency, and facility with numbers. It also will enable children to develop powerful intuitive strategies for both single and multiple digit addition and subtraction.
Number Line Strategies & Models
Number Line was made possible by a generous donation from Dr. David Moursund.
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Plot 9/10 And 1 2/5 On The Number Line
© 2021 The Math Learning Center