These are some of the main findings of the study Nivel digital directivo (The digital level of managers) presented by EADA, RocaSalvatella and Penteo. The study is based on a survey of over 600 managers from different sectors and companies of different sizes. OMA Emirates is the one-stop shop for all your payment processing solutions. We serve B2B, B2G, and enterprise, small and medium-sized businesses in all industries. General management leads the digital transformation of companies The digital transformation of companies is being progressively led by general management. This is the main conclusion drawn from the II Digital Report for Managers presented by EADA and RocaSalvatella, based on a survey of over 600 managers from different sectors and companies. 37% of the managers surveyed believe this to be the.
OMA Emirates is a technology-centric company, committed to provide solutions in the area of Card Personalization, Issuance, Acquiring Systems and Digital Banking. OMA Emirates provides services designed to deliver a seamless customer experience. Being the number one service provider for the payment industry in the MENA region also providing various value-added services like E-Vouchers, E-Wallet Solution, Loyalty Application, and various others. It has operated since 1991 in United Arab Emirates with 100% national partnership (Al Owais Group of Companies). Operating with more than 400+ staff presently with an annual revenue of more than $2.5 billion. We help businesses to achieve high performance by drawing on our ground breaking research and hands-on experience with high-performance businesses.
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Group of Companies
Our Services
OMA Emirates is the perfect choice to fit any business requirements utilizing the latest innovations for payment solutions. We bring together technical and business expertise necessary to make the ecomm. migration a reality. We strive at providing latest innovations and solutions as per market requirements. Our team ensures that every project is executed in a timely manner within budget and in line with the business objective.

Consultoría estratégica especializada en el desarrollo de negocio y la transformación de las organizaciones a partir de los usos de la red. Queremos apoyar a la causa social de personas o proyectos, que entre todos decidamos, a través de Teaming.

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Lluitem contra la ELA
Rocasalvatella Madrid
La Fundació neix el 2005 a Calella (Barcelona) com una fundació privada i sense ànim de lucre, impulsada per l'Enric M. Valls, el pare del qual va morir a causa de l’Esclerosi Lateral Amiotròfica. Actualment és l’única entitat sense ànim de lucre a tot Catalunya que tr
Lluitem contra la ELA
Posted on06/05/2014
La Fundació neix el 2005 a Calella (Barcelona) com una fundació privada i sense ànim de lucre, impulsada per l'Enric M. Valls, el pare del qual va morir a causa de l’Esclerosi Lateral Amiotròfica. Actualment és l’única entitat sense ànim de lucre a tot Catalunya que tr
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Judit de la Encarnación Gradailla15/11/2012 12:17 h
Hola Teamers!!
Recordad que tenemos que elegir el proyecto al que queremos destinar los fondos.
Si tenéis alguna propuesta, publicarla a través del Foro.
Judit de la Encarnación Gradailla15/11/2012 12:17 h
Hola Teamers!!
Recordad que tenemos que elegir el proyecto al que queremos destinar los fondos.
Si tenéis alguna propuesta, publicarla a través del Foro.
Judit de la Encarnación Gradailla
Cooperates with 1 Group and leads 1 of them
Teamers sorted by joining date
Jordi Gil Manzanares
Cooperates with 1 Group
Isa Martín
Cooperates with 1 Group
Albert Solana
Cooperates with 1 Group
Judit de la Encarnación Gradailla
Consultora Rocasalvatella
Cooperates with 1 Group and leads 1 of them