Q Lost Q Gained

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Q lost + q gain = 0 or q released + q gain = 0. Making this demonstration interactive - active learning. The instructor should 'frame' the demonstration and guide the discussion. After students observe the initial conditions of the solutions and observe the results of the demonstration, it is important for the students to be allowed to discuss. Q lost + q gain = 0 or q released + q gain = 0. Making this demonstration interactive - active learning. The instructor should 'frame' the demonstration and guide the discussion. After students observe the initial conditions of the solutions and observe the results of the demonstration, it is important for the students to be allowed to discuss. The q lost by one object will be the q gained by the other object. Lost = q gained. Continuing with the H. 2 from the earlier problemThe hydrogen was put in 9.179 moles of a substance at 274.4 K and it heated to 280.4 K, what was the substance? Lost = 4147.2 J4147.2 = 9.179 mol C (280-274K).


There is 8000 g of water in a 1500 g bucket. The initial temperatures of the water and bucket are 75 ° C and 20 ° C respectively. The heat capacity of water is 4186 J/kg K and the heat capacity of the bucket is 1000 J/kg K. Determine the final temperature of the water/bucket system.


First we must determine what is going on in this problem. There is heat that is being transferred. The heat moves from the water to the bucket since the water is at a higher temperature and heat flows from hot to cold. The temperature of the water will decrease as more heat is transferred while the temperature of the bucket will increase as more heat is transferred. Eventually, the water and the bucket will reach the same final temperature. Even though heat is still being transferred, it is transferred equally now, from the water to the bucket and vice versa. In order to determine this final temperature, the following equation must be used:

Q = m Cp D T

Recall that Q is the amount of heat lost or gained. We want to know the final temperature of the system, and we have determined that occurs when the amount of heat transferred from the water to the bucket equals the amount of heat that is transferred from the bucket to the water. We will set Q for the water to the bucket equal to Q for the bucket to the water.

-Qw = Qb

where Qw = heat transferred from the water to the bucket

Calorimetry Qb = heat transferred from the bucket to the water

Since heat is lost from the water and gained by the bucket, the sign for Qw is negative and the sign for Qb is positive.

Plugging in the definition of Q gives the following equation

Measuring Specific Heat

-mwCpw(TF-T1,w) = mbCpb (TF-T1,b)

where mw = mass of the water

Cpw = heat capacity of the water

mb = mass of the bucket

Cpb = heat capacity of the bucket

T1,w = initial temperature of the water

T1,b = initial temperature of the bucket

TF = the final temperature of the system

All of the variables in this equation are known from the problem statement, except the final temperature (TF). This is the variable that we want to solve for. Solving the above equation for TF gives

TF = (-mwCpwT1,w – mbCpbT 1,b)


(-mwCpw mbCpb)

From the problem statement

mw = 8000 g

mb = 1500 g

Cpw = 4186J/kg K

Cpb = 1000J/kg K

T1,w = 75 ° C

T1,b = 20 ° C

Some of these numbers need to be converted into different units. The temperatures given need to be in Kelvin, not ° C. The grams must also be converted into kilograms. You can go to the Automatic Unit Converter to convert to the correct units. Using the converter, the new temperatures and masses are

T1,w = 348 K

T1,b = 293 K

Physics Temperature And Heat Equations

mw = 0.800 kg

Heat q

mb = 0.150 kg

Plugging in all these numbers yields:

TF = [-(0.800 kg)*(4186J/kg K)*(348 K) – (0.150 kg)*(1000J/kg K)*(293 K)]


[-(0.800 kg)*(4186J/kg K) – (0.150 kg)*(1000J/kg K)]

TF = 345 K

Calorimetry Simulation Lab

We have just shown how to calculate the final temperature of the water/bucket system!

Q Gained Equals Q Lost

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Proceed to Heat Transfer Between a Plate and Your Food
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[Introduction Kinetics Heat Transfer Mass Transfer Bibliography]
This project was funded in part by the National Science Foundation and is advised by Dr. Masel and Dr. Blowers at the University of Illinois.